ALARMING: Russian Submarine Surface near France off Brittany coast.

Russian submarine "Novorossiysk"  surface near France off the Brittany coast.
Did Russia tried to sabotage undersea cables in Bay of Biscay?

 A Russian submarine was spotted sailing on the surface off the Brittany coast on September 29th, as per reports. The French FREMM frigate Normandie and a Caiman helicopter tracked the Russian kilo-class submarine Novorossiysk.
As per reports,the French Navy escorted the Russian submarine in the Bay of Biscay. British and Spanish warships had also been involved in monitoring the submarine's movements. The French Atlantic fleet commander Oliver Lebas said this is the first time a Russian submarine has been sighted near the Bay of Biscay.
Reports say that the Russian submarine was accompanied by  seagoing Tug boat" Sergey Balk".

   The "Ominivorous" Submarine
The B-261 "Novorossiysk" is a  Russian project 636-3 Varshavyanka diesel-electric submarine. It is part of Russian navy's 4th independent submarine brigade of the Black Sea fleet. The lead ship of project 636-3 is reportedly named after the Russian city of Novorossiysk. The submarine of project 63 6-3 have higher combat effectiveness as compared to the previous projects. The  Russian kilo-class Novorossiysk submarine once launched in November 2013.
    Features of Novorossiysk submarine

The two-hulled submarine has a high reserve of buoyancy and unsinkablity. It is equipped with modern navigational system, automated information, control system and high-speed torpedo missile armament. The Novorossiysk torpedo deck can be fitted with an arsenal of mines, torpedoes and kalibr-PL missiles. Capable of attacking both sea and ground targets. Reports suggest that the subs 6 forward torpedo tubes are "Ominivorous"  constituting universal launching complex.
  A Russian sabotage attempts in Bay of Biscay?
 It has not been clarified why do Russian submarine approached the French coastline though expert hint at an intimidation maneuver.
 Both the submarine and the tugboat we are reportedly spotted sailing in the Bay of Biscay. Experts said that this sightings are of significance as they come in the context of Russia's ongoing war with Ukraine. The Bay of Biscay represent a kind of "hub" for transatlantic submarine fibre optic cables.
Nearly 1,330 km long submarine cables connect Spain, France and the UK through the Bay of Biscay. underwater communication cables transport large amount of sensitive information between countries. Therefore, undersea cables are considered important infrastructure that must be protected. I need Russia's war in Ukraine several reports have raised the possibility of malicious attacks on such cables. Ukraine and its Western allies have already pointed fingers at Russia for the damage to the Nord stream pipelines. The worst allergies Russia could have used deep sea diverse all drone submarines to trigger massive explosions in the Baltic Sea pipelines. Russia has a variant of midget submarines which could be used to slice cables or even plant bombs on pipeline like Nord.


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