World fears:Russia will use Nukes if...

Top officials in sevastopol, in Russian annexed Crimea said explosion were head in the city.

An object was reportedly shut down after a nearby anti-aircraft system was triggered. The sumy  governor claims Russia struck the region with machine guns while targeting communities in the shostka district.

A fire broke out in the seredina-Buda community after Russia fired artillery and mortars. Russian forces reportedly continue after offensive in Donesk, focusing it's effort on Bakhmut and Avdiivka directions. according to Ukrainian military,the Russian army is using electronic warfare to attack ukraine's border areas from Belarus. 

Ukrainian army inflicted significant damage to the Antonovsky bridge in kherson region after it  struck the bridge again. Russia reportedly building a pontoon bridge across the river to re-establish a steady flow of supplies and personnel. Kyiv's army claims to have annihilate several Russian equipments in southern Ukraine. Alleged  Russian losses in the south

17 Russian troops, 1 Buk missile system, you want 20 mm heavy mortar system"sani", ammunition Warehouse, 5 ammoured  military vehicles.

Russian forces have been accused of torturing the staff at Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant to operate the facility. Moscow has requested for United nation security council meeting (UNSC) on August 23rd regarding the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant.

United States says Putin planning fresh attacks on civilian infrastructure

New US intelligence claims Russia is planning to launch fresh attacks against ukraine's civilian infrastructure and government facilities. The US embassy in Kyiv urged US citizens still in Ukraine to move out of the country immediately.

Meanwhile President Putin held Russia's "military glory"  and "traditional values" on the country's flag day. Russia's embassy in London accuse the UK of hypocrisy for questioning Russia's "moral right"  to sit at the G20 summit. Reports say the UN fact-finding team for olenivka is assembled, but "it's going nowhere"  as the situation around the area is not considered safe. President of Ukraine Zelensky has launched a new diplomacy format called the "kyiv initiative". Under the format, foreign policy advisers from ukraine's neighbours will meet to discuss cooperation mostly in regional security. Ukrainian soldiers from the Azov regiment, who where taken prisoner by Russian army in mariupol, say they were beating while in captivity. The soldiers, who were released as part of the prisoner exchange  alleged that soldiers were  beaten until their bones were broken. the soldier said he was beaten during interrogations and ask to sign a statement denouncing is command.

Russia's deputy foreign minister has said that Russia will only use nuclear weapons for "self-defence". Earlier, Putin suggested that there can be " no winners in a nuclear war" and it "should never be unleashed". Russia's defence minister has also said the main purpose of the nuclear weapons is to "deter a nuclear attack". However in February, Putin warned the west against being party to the war and placed his  nuclear deterrent forces on high alert.

Kyiv says Russia want talks to buy time for fresh attacks. presidential adviser for Ukraine accused Russia of trying to get Kyiv into new talks to buy time to regroup so it can launch a  new offensive. The kyiv official said Moscow wants to use talks to "freeze the conflict while preserving the status quo in the occupied Ukrainian territories". he said the Kremlin has been "trying  to convince Ukraine to enter into negotiations by sending proposals through various intermediaries".

US secretly sending deadly weapons to Ukraine

 A politico report claims the  United States has provided Kyiv with more Weapons than the Biden  administration has publicly announced. The Pentagon official has reportedly said the US has been shipping HARM anti radar-missiles 2 Ukraine without announcing publicly. The US is also reportedly preparing to strengthen existing restrictions. the US plans to sanction banks through which Russia get access to international currencies. The Pentagon may also confiscate blacklisted oligarchs assets and punish companies that continue to export prohibited goods to Russia. why the US has rejected Ukraine demand for a blanket visa bank for Russians. Washington said it will not close off pathways for Russia's dissidents and others who are vulnerable to human right abuses. Meanwhile, Bulgaria has said negotiation to resume Russian gas supplies are "inevitable". Turkey has delivered 50 used mine resistant vehicles to Ukraine on Tuesday. Thank you


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